Design Sprints

The fastest and most efficient idea testing methodology.

The Design Sprint is a User Experience Design (UX) workshop, invented at Google and now used by the most innovative companies in the world. In a few days, in a friendly and creative atmosphere, we will build a prototype of your concept and test it on your future customers.

What is the Design Sprint 2.0?What is the Design Sprint 3.0?

Ask questions,
write stuff down,
and mind the clock

You’ve got to ask questions to get information out in the open, write that information down and ask more questions to make sure you’ve written it down properly.

Minding the clock avoids us being stuck and pushes us forward.

Less than a week

The Design Sprint revolutionizes the way teams work and collaborate. The return on investment is substantial because a Design Sprint can condense months of work in just a few days.

Chez BoumBoomBreizh,

Nous avons à cœur de développer des événements hors du temps. Nous souhaitons et nous mettrons tout en œuvre pour qu’ils soient gages de sûreté, d’évasion, d’altruisme et d’ouverture d’esprit.

Bâtissons ensemble une communauté soudée, pérenne et prospère.

Notre ADN ?

La bienveillance.

Notre mission ?


Nos moyens pour y parvenir ?

Le meilleur de nous-mêmes. Il n’y a que comme ça que l’on obtiendra le meilleur des autres. ✨

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